For the fifth installment of the Jurassic Park movies, the crew uses familiar locations.The cliffs while approaching the park at Isla Nublar are the vistas at Napali Coast, Kauaii. The same location was used in the original Jurassic Park.Also, the popular location at Oahu, Kualoa Ranch was used for the tower, bunker and Gyrosphere scenes. […]
Kingsman – London
For the 2014 Bon- like movie “Kingsman: The Secret Service”, a real store with a similar name was used. In Savile Row London the Huntsman Store can be found which was used for the Kingsman HQ.
The Last Jedi – Malin Head
In the North-West point of Ireland, subterranean caves can be found. Although they are not accessible to the public, the crew for ‘The Last Jedi’ were allowed to use the location for filming. Around Malin Head, multiple locations were used, a walking tour is available.
The Last Jedi – Sybil Head
On one of the most beautiful locations in the World (as written by National Geographic), on the west coast of Ireland, a historic scene was created for a ‘galaxy far far away’. The crew for ‘The Last Jedi’ had used the Island of Skellig Michael for the scenes where Luke Skywalker is found by Rey. […]
The Last Jedi – Brow Head
For the disappointing sequel to “The Force Awakens”, “The Last Jedi” – Luke Skywalker (played by Mark Hamill) refuses to train Rey (the wonderful Daisy Ridley) on the Islands of Skellig Michael. Rey has a vision in a cave, these caves are in Ireland, but not on the Island itself. Instead they are on the […]
Doctor Who S11 – Cape Town
It's been an exciting day here @book_lounge. We had the #13thdocter #drwho shooting outside. #JodieWhittaker — The Book Lounge (@book_lounge) January 14, 2018 Confirmed location is “The Kimberley Hotel”
Doctor Who S11 – HTC Plant Sheffield
The HTC Plant in Sheffield has been used for the filming of Doctor Who Season 11. The show will air in 2018, details will follow.
Doctor Who S11 – Sheffield
Rumoured that filming took place here for season 11 filming of Doctor Who. Photo from the Sun:
Life on Mars – Manchester
For the BBC SciFi drama “Life on Mars” (named after the David Bowie song), the main location for filming is Manchester in the UK. Sam Tyler (John Simm) gets into an accident and finds himself waking up in the Police Force of the 1970’s under supervision from DCI Gene Hunt (Glenister). The story is set […]
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