For the fifth installment of the Jurassic Park movies, the crew uses familiar locations.The cliffs while approaching the park at Isla Nublar are the vistas at Napali Coast, Kauaii. The same location was used in the original Jurassic Park.Also, the popular location at Oahu, Kualoa Ranch was used for the tower, bunker and Gyrosphere scenes. […]
Jurassic Park – Kualoa Ranch
After Hurricane Iniki flattened the sets on Kauai, the crew still had to get some footage for the Gallimimus Herd being attacked by the T-Rex. This was filmed near where the crew stayed at Kualoa Ranch, Kamehameha Highway, Ka’a’awa Valley, a place you can actually visit and some movie memorabilia still remains. Other movies that […]
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