For the fifth installment of the Jurassic Park movies, the crew uses familiar locations.The cliffs while approaching the park at Isla Nublar are the vistas at Napali Coast, Kauaii. The same location was used in the original Jurassic Park.Also, the popular location at Oahu, Kualoa Ranch was used for the tower, bunker and Gyrosphere scenes. […]
Raiders of the Lost Ark – Anahola Mountain
The Paramount Mountain used in the opening scene of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” can be found on Kauai. It is Anahola Mountain.
Raider of the Lost Ark – Huleia National Park
In the opening scenes of “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, Indiana Jones is looking for the lost Idol in Peru… the crew went to a more tropical location, the Island of Kauai. Spielberg would return here for his blockbuster “Jurassic Park“. For Indy, the boulder scenes were also filmed at the wildlife refuge. Kipu Falls […]
Jurassic Park – Olokele Canyon
Olokele Canyon or Valley, was used to set up the electrified fence for Jurassic Park. Even though most people just see “a fence” in the film, Michael Lantieri and his team put great effort in getting the wires tight. The size of the fence made that very difficult.
Jurassic Park – Allerton Garden
Allerton Garden (4425 Lawai Road, Koloa) on Kauai is definitely a place where you don’t want to go… if you have seen Jurassic Park. First this is the place where Grant finds the hatched raptor eggs. Later in the movie, this location was used to build the shed, where a raptor attack took place. But […]
Jurassic Park – Kualoa Ranch
After Hurricane Iniki flattened the sets on Kauai, the crew still had to get some footage for the Gallimimus Herd being attacked by the T-Rex. This was filmed near where the crew stayed at Kualoa Ranch, Kamehameha Highway, Ka’a’awa Valley, a place you can actually visit and some movie memorabilia still remains. Other movies that […]
Jurassic Park – Mount Wai’ale’ale
The map above is a rough estimate for the exact location of one of the biggest gems for Jurassic Park visitors, the Main Gate. The location is at the base of Mount Wai’ale’ale. You can get there hiking if you are a good hiker or by 4×4. Detailed descriptions are here if you go by […]
Jurassic Park – Valley House Plantation Estate
An iconic scene in Jurassic Park is the arrival at the visitor center (and the departure at the end). The exteriors for the Visitor center were constructed at Valley House Plantation Estate, 6191 Hauaala Road, Kealia. The interiors were filmed on a sound stage in LA.
Jurassic Park – Kahili Ranch
The first dinosaur encounter for Grant and Ellie is at Jurassic Kahili Ranch on the north shore of Kauai. No dinosaurs there, but since this is a working ranch (2,800 acres!), mostly cows and horses (about 200). Not only has this location been used for all Jurassic Park movies (Lost World, Jurassic World), also “Just […]
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