After the succesful series “Life on Mars”, this sequel to the show is set in London in the 1980’s. DI Alex Drake arrives from 2008 (or is this just some coma-induced dream???) and runs around the city with the politically incorrect DCI Gene Hunt and his red Audi Quatro.

While it is for BBC Wales, it is in fact recorded in East London. The Police Station is an old Stock Exchange building and can be found at 4-6 Christopher Street (Islington).

Now don’t go looking for Luigi’s Trattoria & Alex’s flat. The trattoria used is now a fish restaurant, but right across the street from the “Police Station” at 9 Christopher Street.

In the very first episode where Alex gets shot (seriously, no spoiler), this is near the Founders Arms (52 Hopton Street) on the South Bank of the Thames.